Network simulation SW developer - Student

זיהוי דרישה:  1402
מיקום גאוגרפי:  שרון
חברה:  ElbitSystems
Elbit Systems' Radio Department develops and integrates complex MANET (Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks) systems for tactical communication on the battlefield. These MANET systems can contain dozens or even hundreds of radios that need to communicate and transfer data, voice, and video services throughout the network in tactical environments
The Elbit systems Network Simulation Team is seeking for a passionate student to join our team's software development efforts in one or more of the following categories
DES (Discrete event simulation) infrastructure development 
Simulation distributed execution
I/O and computational offloading
Automation integration


Undergraduate students with 3 to 5 semesters remaining
:Proficiency in at least one of the following
C++, Python, PowerShell/Bash
Familiarity with Object-Oriented Design (OOD), Multithreading, and Socket/File IO
Passion for learning new technologies
Proficiency in any of the following is a significant advantage
DES Simulations / MATLAB / Mathematica / R / JavaScript